What is a facial?

A facial is a family of skin treatments for the face that includes steam, exfoliation, extractions, creams, lotions facial masks, and massage. Used for general skin health.

What does a facial do for the skin?

A facial is designed to cleanse, exfoliate and nourish to skin to promote a clear, well hydrated skin.

Are there things a facial can not do for the skin?

Yes! A facial cannot:

  • Eliminate acne permanently  can help with temporary condition

  • Permanently fade discoloration

  • Treat Rosacea

  • Lift sagging skin

  • Eliminate dark circles, only temporarily lighten with hydration

  • Replace cosmetic corrective procedures such as Botox

Are there different facials for different skin types?

Yes. Before any facial is performed you must fill out paper work. The questionnaire will let the aesthetician know such things as; medications you are taking, the products you use on your skin, recent procedures (e.g. injections, peels, laser) you have had on your face and what your biggest concern is with your skin. The information you provide will be discussed with the aesthetician.

Before the facial begins the aesthetician will perform a skin assessment to determine your skin type. After your skin type (dry, oily, sensitive, mature, dehydrated) has been determined the products used in your facial will be appropriate for your skin type.

Do all spas or clinics offer the same facials?

No. The facials from one spa to another will differ depending on the line of products they are using in the facial treatment. Every product line will have their own unique features, ways of performing the facial depending on the protocol of the product line. But, with that said every facial, regardless of the product line that is being used will include; a questionnaire, a skin evaluation, cleansing, steam (depending on the skin the skin type), exfoliation, extractions (if necessary), massage (if appropriate), mask, and skin care advice.

How many facials will I need before I see an improvement?

Regardless of the type of facial you do, or the product line being used, a facial will only cleanse, hydrate, purify, promote a clear skin. A facial is a relaxing, pampering experience and will not treat a condition such as acne or rosacea (see #3 above). A facial is a healthy procedure for the skin but will not “cure” a skin. If you have one of the conditions mentioned above (#3) you need either medical intervention.

Can a facial treat acne, acne scars, rosacea, and hyperpigmentaton?

No. When you have a condition such as the ones mentioned above a facial may only treat so much or correct those problems. When you have an issue with the skin (see #3 above) you sometimes require medical intervention. To treat the issues mentioned in #3 above, you require either medication or medical grade product and services.

Are there facials for men?

Men definitely do have facials but I would not say there are different facials for a man. The men would need a skin assessment just like the ladies and their facial would be designed based on their skin type, just as like the ladies.

Are there natural/organic facials?

Yes and no, depending on the product line being used for the facial. There are product lines that promote the fact that they are all natural and organic but there are no such thing can be 100% organic. Unless you make your own natural raw stuffs to make, even so need to be careful with the bacteria swarming.